Tea Blog

Tea & Qi: a free event at Zhi Gallery

As you know, it’s about to get hot.
Did you know that tea can help you keep your cool?

Join Zhi for a free tea tasting & talk on the health benefits of tea from a Chinese medical perspective.

Tiffany Smith, L.Ac will speak on tea, its function as a Chinese herb, and common medical conditions that tea might address. Various teas will be served while we explore:

What is tea?
What tea is good for your skin?
What tea moves qi?
What tea is good for metabolism?

About Zhi Tea: Zhi Tea is an independent organic tea company based in Austin Tx that strives to elevate the American tea culture while celebrating ancient traditions. Founded in 2007, Zhi specializes in artisan oolongs and hand blended original signatures.

About Tiffany: Ms. Smith is a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist and a teacher of biomedical science at Texas Health & Science University. She maintains her own practice specializing in allergy treatment, pain and stress management, and wellness.

Note: Zhi is not trying to cure diseases, pretend we’re doctors, or tick off the FDA with this little event. We just love tea and are open to learning more and more about this miracle beverage. Consider this our full legal disclaimer xo

Many thanks to our friends at Tea Mag for including us on their calender.

See you soon, Austin!

Resolved to drink more tea! Guilt free treats from Zhi Tea

The new year always brings opportunity for healthier habits and high hopes. Year after year, we continue to see diet, health and financial resolutions top the list of self-improvement projects.

What are you looking forward to improving in 2013?

“Each spring, we witness (and experience!) a strong desire to cut back on sugar, fat, dairy and gluten, as we clear the slate after an indulgent holiday season,” says Dr. Oolong, co-founder of Zhi Tea and resident cookie-lover.

“Zhi strives for balance, while never sacrificing beauty or pleasure. Fittingly, our teas are pure, healthy and indulgent. Tea helps us answer the question, “How can one have decadent food experiences without sacrificing health?” It’s easy! It’s right there in your cup.”

For everyone who is working off a wellspring of will power, Zhi would like to offer custom tea choices to support your efforts. (We can use the extra help too!)

For a sugar-free treat: try our Sweet Desert Delight. Crave cream, but want to be dairy-free? Try our Masala Chai with a drop of almond milk. Need a gluten-free drink? All of our teas are gluten-free, organic and fair trade. Want to cleanse and detox? Purify with Silver Needle. Caffeine-free morning? Let the awakening power of our Turkish Spice Mint keep you upbeat, without the jitters! Caffeine-free evening? Our Restful Blend (pictured above) is a soothing nightcap and guaranteed lullaby.

So, how do you resolve to incorporate tea into your life more?

Science time! Green tea extract eradicates cancer tumors.

A study published in the journal Nanomedicine offers more proof to the medicinal benefits of green tea.

Scientists from The University of Strathclyde injected cancerous tumors with a concentrated green tea extract that had been studied before. This was the first time researchers have managed to get positive results from such an experiment.

By using targeted therapy, researchers were able to deliver the green tea compound direct to the tumor. One type of human skin cancer showed 40 percent of tumors disappeared after a month of treatment!

Not only is green tea completely delicious, but it’s clear that all the hype has some real science behind it: green tea really can be a life saver.

Read the entire amazing article here! 






Green Tea: How Does it Burn Fat?

Green Tea: A True Fat Burning Food

Supermarket checkout lines are full of magazines with eye-catching headlines like “7 negative calorie superfoods” or “Delicious foods that fight fat”. While the headlines may be compelling, when these claims undergo the scrutiny of science, the concept of a fat burning food is usually revealed as too good to be true.

Or is it?

Green tea leaves are a fat-burning food out there with the support of a slew of clinical research. In fact, studies show that green tea can help people lose weight, burn fat, and keep it off. Here’s how green tea works at burning fat:

1. Metabolism Boost: Green tea interacts directly with your sympathetic nervous system –telling it to ramp up your calorie-burning machine. A 2001 study published in The Journal of Nutrition found that green tea significantly increased the amount of calories burned at rest, known as resting metabolic rate.

2. Torches Fat Cells: While an increase in metabolism can result in significant fat loss, this isn’t always the case. However, in the case of green tea, it does directly act on fat cells. Research in The International Journal of Obesity concluded that green tea has the unique property of increasing the rate that your body uses up stored fat.

3.Blocks Fat Absorption: Green tea interferes with your body’s ability to digest and absorb the fat from your diet. It appears that the catechins in green tea blocks many of the enzymes required for proper fat absorption. French researchers found that green tea resulted in a 37% reduction in fat digestion.

4. Stops Appetite: Scientists think that green tea’s appetite suppressing properties are much of the reason behind the correlation between regular green tea drinking and weight loss. In fact, University of Chicago researchers found that green tea hinders a pathway that makes you hungry.

While you may get some of these benefits by taking in green tea every chance you get, here are some tips for maximizing green tea’s fat burning:

1. Eat The Leaves: While you only get a limited amount of green tea catechins from brewing and drinking green tea, eating the leaves themselves gives you the full spectrum of antioxidants found in the leaf itself. Or, have you tried matcha?

2. Take Enough: Research shows that to reap the benefits from green tea, you need to drink serious amounts of the stuff (at least 5 to 10 cups /day). This may seem like a LOT of green tea to drink, but don’t worry: there are so many amazing flavors to choose from. (Again – see the point above about eating the whole leaves.)

3. Spread Out Doses: It seems that green tea works best if you take small amounts throughout the day, rather than all at once. This way, you’re giving your body small metabolism “jolts” at regular intervals.

4. Take With Meals: Because green tea can block absorption of some of the fat that you eat, it’s ideal to have green tea with meals. The easiest way to do this is to incorporate green tea leaves into your recipes.

Republished with permission from EatGreenTea.com, the original edible green tea.


Hydrate the Healthy Way: With Tea!

Somehow, somewhere, a rumor was started that tea did not hydrate you. And regretfully, the answer boards at Yahoo.com are not always a reliable place to get information. Zhi would like to set the record straight.

Tea hydrates as well as water. Recent studies from India compared two controlled groups: one drank water and the other drank tea. There was no measurable difference between hydration indicators, leading to the conclusion that drinking tea is just as effective for bodily functions as water. This validates results from a 2010 study that showed the same conclusion: the trace amounts of caffeine in tea did not compromise hydration.

Additionally, there is evidence to show that tea actually hydrates better than water! Tea contains beneficial elements that water does not: antioxidants, polyphenols, and flavonoids. Plus, since tea has such a range of flavor, your eight cups a day could each be unique! Today, we’ll have an eight cup marathon of our current favorite: Cherry Sencha. What will you hydrate with today?

Tea and Your Health: Diabetes

More than two-thirds of the adult population in the United States is overweight or obese. Because weight is a risk factor for diabetes, the US Department of Agriculture is spending significant time and money studying soaring incident rates. Can tea help address the serious health concerns of weight management and diabetes?

In 2007, the USDA shared preliminary findings that showed tea to reduce risk of type 2 diabetes. This year, researchers in London completed another study that shows similar claims. Specifically, their research cites that 4 cups or more of tea a day lowers one’s risk of diabetes by 20%. Read more about the details of the study here.

Interestingly, 3 cups or fewer a day did not lower a subject’s risk of diabetes. Our take? Don’t stop at 3 cups! As we have yet to find a study documenting harmful effects of tea consumption, we will continue to imbibe with enthusiasm.

Note: Consumers worldwide are being offered a plethora of ready-to-drink “teas” that market their ability to reduce weight. While Zhi has seen our share of success stories, we can’t claim that tea is a magic bullet. We suggest realistic expectations when confronted with such “tea-washing.” We also look forward to more studies on this important finding.