Frozen Summit Tung Ting

Ingredients: 100% Organic Dong Ding Oolong tea. Hand-crafted artisan tea.
Spring 2023. A really well roasted winter oolong in the classic "dong ding" style from our favorite roaster in Taiwan who has won numerous awards for his incredible roasting capabilities. One of our Artisan Reserve oolong teas, a line of small batch handmade teas from a craft handed down over generations. Hand selected for having all the hallmark qualities of the highest grades with notable personality accents. This is a superb tea from April 2023, stored in a vacuum seal. We have procured this Tung Ting Oolong rare varietal from a small artisan farm in Nantou, Taiwan. Top seller in the Zhi oolong line! Perfectly roasted and lightly sweet, this oolong reveals itself over several steepings. Hand crafted and grown in Taiwan. Light fragrance Qing-xin cultiver.
AKA Dong Ding, Frozen Summit, Frozen Peak
Water: 195°F | Leaves: 1 TBSP per 12 ounce cup | Infusion Time: 3-4 minutes
Basic Steeping Tips
- Use filtered or spring water, whenever possible
- Don’t over-boil water
- Remove leaves after recommended time (adjust to taste)
- If you want stronger tea, use more leaves instead of steeping for a longer time.
Leaves can be re-steeped 2-3 times resulting in various flavor differences. Don’t throw out those leaves until they have given it all up!
Polyphenol in oolong tea is effective in controlling weight. It activates the enzyme that is responsible for dissolving triglycerides. Studies have confirmed that a 2-3 cup per day intake of oolong tea contributes to enhancing the function of fat metabolism and controlling obesity.
The Dong Ding Oolong hails from the Dong Ding Mountain in Nantou, Taiwan. The name means “cold summit” in Chinese. Dong Ding is one of the most famous oolong tea producing regions in Taiwan. The origins of this tea dates back to the 1860’s. It is believed that the Dong Ding Oolong tea plants are actually a specimen of the Wuyi strain that have been carefully selected and re-planted in Taiwan.