Advantages of Using the Perfect Tea Maker with Loose Leaf Tea November 29, 2011
Why drink loose leaf tea over the bagged tea bags you find in a grocery store? As anyone who has enjoyed a cup of perfectly brewed loose leaf tea can attest to, the drinking experience is far superior to the bitter and bland teas most people have experience with. Many people are unaware of how to properly brew and steep loose leaf tea so they simply stick to the cheaper, inferior versions. Brewing loose leaf tea is made easier with the Perfect Tea Maker from Zhi Tea.
How to Use the Perfect Tea Maker
To use the Perfect Tea Maker, one simply puts the desired amount of loose leaf tea and the correct temperature of hot water into the Perfect Tea Maker. Then allow the tea to steep for the recommended time, depending on your tea, then simply place the Perfect Tea Maker over a mug and the tea will release. Learn more about recommended water temperature and steeping time at Zhi Tea.