Haute Tea! Fashionably Celebrate National Hot Tea Month December 26, 2013
How do you take your tea, my dear?
Black? Green? With sugar or honey?
This January, in the height of winter, we’ll take ours hot, with a sigh, a gluten free macaroon, and a steaming tea cup of decadence.
January is National Hot Tea Month. Last year, Dr. Oolong suggested many great ways to Pause, Reflect, Connect over this tea holiday. This year, the girls at Zhi Tea have their own ideas! Lady GABA and the Ginger Peach want to celebrate “Haute Tea Month.”
All January, we’ll be drinking hot tea, reading fashion magazines and gushing over the gourgeousness found on Tea and Fashion’s tumblr account.
In this elevated state of luxury, one wonders why we ever started to ice this drink at all. Pinkies up!